We adapted our quality management system to world standard ISO9001:2015 and revised the certification for ” development and support of software products developed in-house and regulatory affairs for medicines and medical equipment”.
Certification criteria: ISO 9001:2015 , JIS Q 9001:2015
Certification scope: development and support of software products developed in-house and regulatory affairs for medicines and medical equipment.
Certificate No: 4000775
Revision Date: December 14, 2017
We will be exhibiting Products at the Regulatory Submissions, Information, and Document Management Forum
On February 5 through 7, 2018, we will be exhibiting PharmaDoc LeafChecker, eCTDSupporters and Redact at the Regulatory Submissions, Information, and Document Management Forum,
which is hosted by DIA and held at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Maryland, U.S.A.
We encourage customers participating in this Forum to come by our booth.
We appreciate your participation in the 7th PharmaDoc Users Conference
We appreciate your participation in the 7th PharmaDoc Users Conference.
Thanks to your support, we had a large turnout of participants, and the PharmaDoc Users Conference was a great success.
Our deepest appreciation goes to our sponsors – Adobe Systems Inc., OpenText K.K. (Documentum), ShareSite Inc. (crossnote), Information Services International-Dentsu, Ltd. (Wingspan), Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (Perma Document), and Veeva Japan K.K. (Veeva Vault).
■The 8th PharmaDoc Users Conference will be held next year as follows:
Date/Time: Friday, June 1, 2018
Location: Sola City Conference Center (Ochanomizu)
We all look forward to our customers’ participation again next year.
Scenes from the Users Conference have been uploaded to our HP. Please take a look.>>
We have released a new version of eCTD support tool “PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters3.2”
We released a new version of eCTD support tool “PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters3.2”.
Added new features to the eCTD Collective Setting Tool.
- Added a feature to delete an attached file from a PDF.
- Added a feature to initialize the page label and set the first page number to “1.”
- Added a feature to convert the destination of a bookmark or link from destination name designation to coordinate designation.
- Added a feature to align all destinations of bookmarks or links to the left edge of the page.
Expanded the range of uses for the Snap to Left function, which aligns the destination to the left edge.
- Destination Editor can now align search results to the left edge of the page to set them up as destinations.
- Snap to Left can be used for destinations created by Bookmark Editor and Link Frame Editor.
Operability of the Zoom function has been improved for the preview screen of the Destination Tool.
- Added a button that fits the screen to the width of the display area and one that displays the whole screen.