Operability testing for PharmaDoc products is complete for the recent update for the Acrobat DC subscription

An update for the Acrobat DC subscription (2020.006.20034; “the Acrobat DC update” hereinafter) was released on February 11, 2020.

We are pleased to announce that we have confirmed that the following PharmaDoc products work with the updated Acrobat DC. Each of these products has been updated to its latest version.

・Report Publishing Tools                              PharmaDoc ClientPublisher, Ver.1.2.1
・Shared Review System                                PharmaDoc AnnotationX, Ver.2.1.1
・Review Tools                                                     PharmaDoc Reviewer, Ver.5.4.2
・Quality Check Tool for leaf files               PharmaDoc LeafChecker, Ver.5.2.0
・eCTD Support Tools                                      PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters, Ver.6.0.0
・Create Final Redacted Version Tools   PharmaDoc Redact, Ver.2.2.0

Please feel free to contact the PharmaDoc support team for any questions. We appreciate your continued support in the future.

We have released a new version of eCTD Support tools “PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters 6.0”

We released a new version of eCTD Support tools “PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters 6.0”.

■New Features

    • Page Compare Tool

The Page Compare tool is a new comparison tool that replaces the traditional PDF Compare tool.
This new tool includes a fundamental readjustment of the GUI and introduces the Image Compare feature, which can detect differences in non-text contents, as well as adopting a processing method that produces easy-to-understand comparison results.
These improvements allow for more intuitive and in-depth check of garbled characters and collapsed layouts in the main body of leaf files, as well as significantly reducing the time it takes to check errors


Responding to our clients’ demand, we have added a feature that temporarily hides the cursor that points to the destination in the Destination Check and Destination Edit tools.


<<Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters for details.>>

We have released a new version of rendition server “PharmaDoc Generator 4.4”

We released a new version of rendition server “PharmaDoc Generator 4.4”.

■New Functionalities

  • Enhanced Documentum linkage function.
    • The rendition pattern can be selected in the properties of the document that requested the rendition. This allows you to specify, for example, not to create a chart number bookmark for IB documents.
    • The property value of the document requested for rendition can be used. This allows you to include important customer-specific information (document management number, version number, project management number, etc.) in the notification email.
    • Enabled to specify conditions when retrieving rendition request queue from Documentum. This will enable settings such as not acquiring the rendition request queue for PDF files.In addition, when multiple PharmaDoc Generators are installed, it is possible to specify the PharmaDoc Generator to be processed according to the document property value, for example, the document type, etc. Rendition processing can be performed efficiently for documents that take a long time to rendition processing) and documents that do not.。
    • When a rendition creation request occurs for a PDF file, the PDF file can be registered as another rendition.
  • Enhanced VD rendition function.
    • When a rendition creation request is sent to VD, documents in VD can be merged and page numbering can be performed. * Separately, PharmaDoc Generator Publish option is required. The Publish option is charged.
    • Enhanced the ability to create PDF bookmarks from paragraphs with styled Word documents. When creating a bookmark from a paragraph with a specific style, you can force the next bookmark level to 1.

<<Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc Generator for details.>>

We have released a new version of shared review system “PharmaDoc AnnotationX 2.1”

We released a new version of shared review system “PharmaDoc AnnotationX 2.1”.

■New Functionalities

  • In addition to Microsoft Internet Explorer, the application now supports Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
  • The application now supports Windows Server 2016.
  • The application now supports Documentum Content Server 16.4.

Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc AnnotationX for details.

We have released a new version of redaction tool “PharmaDoc Redact 2.1”

We released a new version of redaction tool “PharmaDoc Redact 2.1”.

■New Functionalities

  • You can now use the Redaction Style Tool to specify a replacement string and its font size.
    • – You can search for a character string in Acrobat’s Find dialog to replace it with a replacement string.
    • – When Original Size is selected for the Font size, the replacement string will have the font size of the original string. When Fit Width of Redaction Area is selected, the font size of the replacement string will be zoomed in or out to fit the redaction area.
  • Marking can now be done using the OCR information (hidden text). To prevent the failure to redact, the page will be automatically converted to an image.
  • A Verification PDF can now flag locations of unredacted items using a rectangle annotation.
  • A Final Redacted Version file can now be split.


  • The font size of text callout can now be specified in the Replace category of the Preferences dialog
  • The position to insert a footer on the replacement page can now be specified in the Details dialog.
  • Only the top line could be replaced in the past when replacing a multi-line character string. Now the entire multi-line string can be replaced.
  • When Redaction Proposal PDF, Verification PDF, or Final Redacted PDF cannot be saved, they can now be saved under a different file name.
  • You can now abort a running Mark Phrases for Redaction, Create Redaction Proposal Version, and Create Final Redacted Version.
  • A cover page can now be inserted when creating a Final Redacted PDF.
  • Pages to be excluded can now be specified in Justification Table for Redaction Proposal Version.
  • We fixed PharmaDoc Redact, so that it does not launch when another application calls up Acrobat.

Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc Redact for details.

We have released a new version of review tool “PharmaDoc Reviewer 5.4”

We released a new version of review tool “PharmaDoc Reviewer 5.4”.


  • When extracting annotations, the time-zone of a PC being used is now output to the [Created Date/Time] section.
  • The [Enable/Disable Reviewer] and [Show/Hide Line Number] menus are now displayed.
  • Annotations could not be added when there were character objects without a character. This issue has been resolved.

Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc Reviewer for details.

We have released a new version of Leaf files quality checking tool “PharmaDoc LeafChecker5.1”

We released a new version of Leaf files quality checking tool “PharmaDoc LeafChecker5.1”.

■New Functionalities

  • Check result reports can now be exported to an Excel file. In the past, it was necessary to copy and paste the file path to open the Check Result Folder, Notification PDF, Notification Text, and Check Target PDF File, but now these can be opened with a click of an Excel cell. The traditional csv format can also be selected for export.
  • At the time of export to an Excel file, the characters in the cells of check item which notification is added change to red to make a distinction.
  • Web Link check item has been added. It detects web link locations such as http:// and https://.
  • Preferences dialog has been added. The Date Format can now be in English, and the Length Unit can be selected from mm and inch. Export file names can also be changed. The file name for check target PDF and notification PDF used to be the same. This caused confusion as to which was the notification PDF when both files were opened. When you check m2.7.3.pdf, it now has “_check” at the end of their names, e.g., m2.7.3_check.pdf.

Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc LeafChecker for details.

We have released a new version of report publishing server “PharmaDoc Publisher 4.1”

We released a new version of report publishing server “PharmaDoc Publisher 4.1”.

■New Functionalities

    • We have linked Veeva Vault (a Veeva Systems product) to our PharmaDoc Publisher.
      In April 2018, we are planning to launch our cloud operation services* for PharmaDoc Publisher.

      * The following are the major features of our cloud operation services.

      • Cloud monitoring services for PharmaDoc Publisher
      • Version updates for PharmaDoc Publisher
      • Installation of security patches for the operating system
      • Backups
    • The header/footer area specification function has been expanded in the header/footer settings.
      Long character strings for a header or footer used to be wrapped at the area border.
      improvement has enabled these strings to be displayed in a single line.
    • A Japanese hyphenation feature has been added for the creation of a TOC page and for the setting of headers and footers.

Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc Publisher for details.

We have released a new version of eCTD support tool “PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters4.0”.

We released a new version of eCTD support tool “PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters4.0”.
■ Added the File Split Tool.

  • 1. Create a file division plan at will to divide a file according to the plan.For example, the following plans can be easily created.

    • A plan that divides a file based on the headings containing bookmark information
    • A plan that divides a file based on the maximum file size
    • A plan that divides a file based on the maximum number of pages
  • 2. External links maintain the destinations of bookmarks and links after dividing the file.
  • 3. Page labels maintain the page numbers after dividing the file.

■ Added a spell-checking feature to the Bookmark Edit Tool.

This tool automatically checks the spelling of bookmark character strings based on the spell-checking settings of Acrobat.
Spelling is checked only for English character strings.