We have released a new version of eCTD Support tools “PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters 7.0”


  • The Bookmark Edit Tool has been completely redesigned, with enhanced editing functions such as sorting and automatic hierarchy setting.
    In addition, it has a batch creation function from PDF text or table of contents pages.
  • Added the following functions to the eCTD Batch Setting Tool: “Change Destination to Page Top”, “Replace PDF Properties”, “Delete Off-Page Objects”, “Delete Hidden Text”, “Delete Named-Destination” and “Delete PDF Tag Information”.
  • The UI of the preview screen of the destination tool has been changed to improve readability and operability.
  • An assistant dialog is provided to help you visually set the margins.
  • Added full support for shortcut key operations.
  • The location of the user configuration file has been changed to improve the convenience of remote login.
  • A button to initialize user settings has been added to make it easier to take action when a trouble occurs.
  • High-resolution display is now supported.
  • Windows 11 is now supported.

PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters is currently used by 34 pharmaceutical companies and CROs (signed as an annual license agreement).

Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters for details.

We have released a new version of rendition server “PharmaDoc Generator 5.0”

New Functionalities

  • PharmaDoc Generator supports Windows service.
    You can use PharmaDoc Generator without logging into Windows.
    The security of PharmaDoc Generator has become even stronger with Windows service support.


  • Enhanced function for creating heading bookmarks.
    When a wildcard “*” is used in a style name, PharmaDoc Generator is possible to specify a style name that does not require the creation of a heading bookmark.
    We have improved that a rendition process does not end with an error and is skipped, when an invalid style name exists in a Word file.
  • Expansion of Web management screen functions.
    We have developed that PharmaDoc Generator is enabled to do batch rendition of multiple files.

Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc Generator for details.

We have released a new version of rendition server “PharmaDoc Generator 4.7”

We released a new version of rendition server “PharmaDoc Generator 4.7”.

■New Functionalities

  • CARA(Generis corp. product) is now supported.
    As a technology partner of Generis, we provide rendition server solutions. The following message was received from James Kelleher, CEO of Generis, with the release of the CARA-linked PharmaDoc Generator.

    “We have been partners with PPS for some years, and we are very excited that the partnership is now able to progress to the next level, with the integration of the PharmaDoc Generator and the CARA Life Science Platform. PharmaDoc Generator is a robust and widely-used tool which our mutual customers will benefit greatly from.”

    PharmaDoc Generator linked with CARA will be provided as a cloud service.

    For more information on the Generis website, please click here.

  • Documentum Content Server 20.4 is supported.


  • Improved the function to create bookmarks for Word documents.
    When a paragraph with a different SEQ field identifier and figure number label name in a Word document is used as a figure bookmark, the corresponding figure parent is identified from the figure number label name. With this function, the figure bookmark of the Word document using SWIFTeS(Word Template) is included in the figure bookmark that matches the figure number label.
  • The field length for storing messages in the database has been expanded.
    Solved the problem ,when PharmaDoc Generator registers the rendition PDF to Documentum, a table update error occurs because the error message length exceeds the field length on the database in case of the target content does not exist.

<<Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc Generator for details.>>

We have released a new version of publishing tool “PharmaDoc ClientPublisher 2.0”

We released a new version of publishing tool “PharmaDoc ClientPublisher 2.0”.

New Functionalities

  • Diagram bookmark organization function from a PDF file in which heading bookmarks and diagram bookmarks are mixed
  • When you create a PDF file with PDFMaker, bookmarks with figure numbers in the text are created in the heading bookmarks. In this way, you can extract pictorial bookmarks from a PDF file in which heading bookmarks and pictorial bookmarks are mixed. It is also possible to create a chart table of contents from the extracted chart bookmarks.

  • Document in document function
  • In the conventional Client Publisher, the figure bookmarks existing in all PDF files are aggregated, so it was not possible to prevent the figure bookmarks contained in a specific PDF file from being aggregated. In version 2.0, by using this [Document in Document] function, it is possible to maintain a single document without aggregating the figures and bookmarks in a specific PDF file.

  • Page break specification function in the table of contents page
  • Conventionally, when creating a table of contents, the page breaks on the second line of a character string that spans two lines, or only the title of the table of contents is output and the table of contents entry is output on the next page, so the table of contents is not intended. There may be a page break. In such a case, the page break can be specified by a specific entry. This makes it possible to create a table of contents and a table of contents from the top of the page.

Enhanced features

  • Enhanced table of contents creation function
  • It is now possible to insert a tab between the item number and the character string so that the indentation of the table of contents that spans multiple lines can be aligned. With this enhancement, you will be able to create even more beautiful table of contents pages.

  • Enhanced bookmark editing function and table of contents editing function
  • The bookmark editing function and the table of contents editing function have been enhanced. With this enhancement, bookmark entries and table of contents entries can be edited separately.

<<Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc ClientPublisher for details.>>

Operability testing for PharmaDoc products is complete for Adobe Acrobat 2020

Adobe Acrobat 2020 was released on June 19, 2020.

We are pleased to announce that we have confirmed that the following PharmaDoc products work with Adobe Acrobat 2020.

Each of these products has been updated to its latest version.

・Report Publishing Tools                              PharmaDoc ClientPublisher, Ver.1.2.1
・Shared Review System                                PharmaDoc AnnotationX, Ver.2.2.0
・Review Tools                                                     PharmaDoc Reviewer, Ver.5.4.4
・Quality Check Tool for leaf files               PharmaDoc LeafChecker, Ver.5.2.2
・eCTD Support Tools                                      PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters, Ver.6.1.1
・Create Final Redacted Version Tools   PharmaDoc Redact, Ver.3.0.0

Please feel free to contact the PharmaDoc support team for any questions. We appreciate your continued support in the future.

We have released a new version of rendition server “PharmaDoc Generator 4.6”

We released a new version of rendition server “PharmaDoc Generator 4.6”.

■New Functionalities

  • Windows Server 2019 is supported.
  • Microsoft Office 2019 is supported.
  • Documentum Content Server 20.2 is supported.


  • Enhanced Documentum linkage function.
    When an error of the document registration process in Documentum occurs, it is possible to prevent the queue from accumulating by sending an email to the administrator.

<<Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc Generator for details.>>

We have released a new version of shared review system “PharmaDoc AnnotationX 2.2”

■New Functionalities

  • Added the function to notify when other users comment on the same document during the review. (*)
    This function enables you to continue the review task while checking the latest comments of other users.
  • Added the function to temporarily save the comment during the review periodically. (*)
    This function enables you to resume the review task from the time of temporary saving even if the client PC goes down for some reason.
  • Fixed the problem that the appearance collapses when highlight and underline annotations are added to a PDF rotated 90 degrees.
    (Before correction)

    (After correction)

  • Fixed the problem that an error was occurred when exporting comments.
  • Supports Windows Server 2019. (*)
  • Supports Documentum 20.2. (*)
  • Supports Adobe Acrobat 2020.

(*) It is necessary to upgrade the AnnotationX Server to use the above functions.

Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc AnnotationX for details.

We have released a new version of eCTD Support tools “PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters 6.1.1”

We released a new version of eCTD Support tools “PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters 6.1.1”.


  • The operability of the Destination Edit Tool has been improved so that you can perform destination editing tasks more efficiently.
  • Fixed a problem of page content editing that occurs in a specific PDF file.
  • Acrobat 2020 is now supported.

PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters is currently used by 34 pharmaceutical companies and CROs (signed as an annual license agreement).

<<Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters for details.>>

We are pleased to inform you that we have completed the operability check for our PharmaDoc products as it relates to an update of Microsoft products.

We check the operability of our PharmaDoc products biannually against updates of Microsoft products. We have just verified the operability of the latest versions of PharmaDoc products against the following Microsoft product updates.

■Microsoft product updates:

  • Microsoft Windows 10 May 2020 Update (Version 2004): Semiannual Channel version 2004 (Build 19041.264)
  • Microsoft 365 Update: Semiannual Channel version 1908 (Build 11929.20776)

Note: Microsoft Office 365 was renamed Microsoft 365 as of April 21, 2020. We have verified the operability of our products against the Word and Excel applications included in Microsoft 365.

■PharmaDoc products:

  • Publishing tool for clientPharmaDoc ClientPublisher Ver. 1.2.1
  • Shared review systemPharmaDoc AnnotationX Ver. 2.1.1
  • Review toolPharmaDoc Reviewer Ver. 5.4.2
  • Quality check tool for leaf filesPharmaDoc LeafChecker Ver. 5.2.1
  • eCTD support toolPharmaDoc eCTDSupporters Ver. 6.1.0
  • Create Final Redacted Version toolPharmaDoc Redact Ver. 2.2.0
  • Menu barPharmaDoc Quicker Ver. 1.2.0

Please inquire through Contact Us for any questions.

We have released a new version of eCTD Support tools “PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters 6.1”

We released a new version of eCTD Support tools “PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters 6.1”.

■New feature/Improvement

    • Excel export processing was improved.

The export to Excel now works normally even on some computers where the function to export to Excel did not work normally.
The processing speed of export to Excel was also improved, and the processing time was reduced to less than half that of the past, so you can comfortably use the export function to Excel such as Destination Check Tool (Bookmark) and Destination Edit Tool (Link).


<<Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc eCTDSupporters for details.>>