We released a new version of rendition server “PharmaDoc Generator 4.7”.
■New Functionalities
- CARA(Generis corp. product) is now supported.
As a technology partner of Generis, we provide rendition server solutions. The following message was received from James Kelleher, CEO of Generis, with the release of the CARA-linked PharmaDoc Generator.“We have been partners with PPS for some years, and we are very excited that the partnership is now able to progress to the next level, with the integration of the PharmaDoc Generator and the CARA Life Science Platform. PharmaDoc Generator is a robust and widely-used tool which our mutual customers will benefit greatly from.”
PharmaDoc Generator linked with CARA will be provided as a cloud service.
For more information on the Generis website, please click here.
- Documentum Content Server 20.4 is supported.
- Improved the function to create bookmarks for Word documents.
When a paragraph with a different SEQ field identifier and figure number label name in a Word document is used as a figure bookmark, the corresponding figure parent is identified from the figure number label name. With this function, the figure bookmark of the Word document using SWIFTeS(Word Template) is included in the figure bookmark that matches the figure number label. - The field length for storing messages in the database has been expanded.
Solved the problem ,when PharmaDoc Generator registers the rendition PDF to Documentum, a table update error occurs because the error message length exceeds the field length on the database in case of the target content does not exist.
<<Please refer to the page of PharmaDoc Generator for details.>>